Long Cove, a private luxury lake home community, will host a patriotic fireworks show on Cedar Creek Lake, Saturday, July 2nd. The best views are from the water, so grab your family and friends, get on your boat and drop an anchor on the southeast corner of Cedar Creek Lake for a night to celebrate our community, country and freedom with those you love most.
When: July 2nd at sunset
Where: Bring your boats to the southeast corner of Cedar Creek Lake near the Long Cove shore
Cost: FREE!
Safety Information: For this event, boats will need to be a minimum of 600’ away from the fireworks barge. Additionally, Long Cove asks that all boaters abide by standard safety measures including, but not limited to, the use of life jackets, boating licenses and standard speed regulations.
For more information about Long Cove, visit www.long-cove.com. We hope to see you there!