Stephen Blackburn
The Dallas-based law firm Standly Hamilton, LLP, is happy to announce that experienced personal injury attorney Stephen Blackburn has joined the firm.
Mr. Blackburn is a trial lawyer who focuses his practice on representing clients in cases involving serious personal injuries, wrongful death and dangerous water contamination. He previously worked with the Baron & Budd law firm in Dallas.
A veteran of high-stakes cases in courtrooms across the country, Mr. Blackburn also has experience representing people and communities in environmental contamination claims, in addition to providing extensive expertise in cases involving dangerous medical devices, pharmaceutical drugs and exposure to toxic chemicals and other dangerous products. Read more about his background and capabilities here: http://www.standlyhamilton.com/stephen.html.
“I am very excited about continuing my work at Standly Hamilton by helping people who often are facing life-altering injuries that were caused by a corporation or someone else’s negligence,” says Mr. Blackburn. “Chris Hamilton and I have worked together over the years, and we both are looking forward to protecting our clients’ rights and growing the firm.”
A graduate of the University of Michigan Law School, Mr. Blackburn earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Florida. He is admitted to practice law in both Texas and California, including the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas and the Northern and Central Districts of California.
Mr. Blackburn is a member of the American Bar Association, American Association for Justice and the Public Justice Foundation.
Standly Hamilton, LLP, is a trial firm based in Dallas. We try cases others won’t and only take cases we believe in. Our firm is home to lawyers who handle high-stakes contingency fee litigation for both plaintiffs and defendants, and transactional attorneys who represent real estate and corporate clients in a wide spectrum of business transactions. For more information, visit http://www.standlyhamilton.com.