Texas Capital Bank Hires Asset Based Lending Team


DALLAS, July 25, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Texas Capital Bank announced today that Chris Capriotti, Jeff Tompkins and Olivia Pipitone have joined the bank, and will be responsible for expanding its Asset Based Lending (ABL) practice. Mr. Capriotti will lead the group and he succeeds Ed Franco who retired last month.

The team was formally with JPMorgan Chase. Mr. Capriotti and Mr. Tompkins are veteran ABL bankers who spent 20 years and 16 years respectively with the firm.

ABL bankers work with companies that rely on assets like inventory and equipment to do business, and that may experience seasonal requirements, uneven cash flow patterns, higher leverage or cyclical changes.

Asset based loans provide a powerful tool for securing financing for projects like:

  • Acquisition financing
  • Expansion
  • Recapitalizations
  • Turnarounds
  • Working capital

“Asset Based Lending is a great tool for our commercial clients and we are very pleased to have someone of Chris’ caliber expanding this important business for us,” said President and CEO Keith Cargill.

For more information regarding Texas Capital’s Asset Based Lending business, please contact chris.capriotti@texascapitalbank.com.


Texas Capital Bank is a commercial bank that delivers highly personalized financial services to businesses and entrepreneurs. We are headquartered in Texas working with clients throughout the state and across the country. Texas Capital Bank is a wholly owned subsidiary of Texas Capital Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:TCBI) and is recognized as a Forbes Best Banks in America and the Dallas Morning News’ Top 100 Places To Work company. To find out why we’re the Best Business Bank in Texas®, please visit www.texascapitalbank.com.

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