Robert Allen, former Deputy Chief of Staff to Governor Greg Abbott, will serve as the new President and CEO of Texas Economic Development Corporation.
Sanjiv Yajnik, Chairman of the Board of Texas Economic Development Corporation and President of Financial Services at Capital One, made the announcement of the appointment by the Board of Directors.
"I'm thrilled to announce the appointment of Robert Allen as the President and CEO of Texas Economic Development Corporation," said Yajnik. "Allen's direct experience managing economic development for the Office of Governor Greg Abbott, combined with his in-depth knowledge of the Texas economy and our unique business advantages makes him an ideal fit for this position."
During his time at the Governor's office, Robert worked closely with the Executive Director of the Economic Development and Tourism Division to further Governor Abbott's mission to position Texas as a global leader in economic development and as the best state for business innovation, job creation and continuing economic expansion. Prior to his role at the Office of the Governor, Allen served as Deputy Chief of Staff at the Office of the Attorney General, where he assisted with the administration of the more than 4,000-employee agency. A native Texan, Robert earned a bachelor's degree from The University of Texas at Austin. He and his wife, Rachel, live in Austin with their two children.
"It's an honor to have been selected to lead Texas Economic Development Corporation as President and CEO," said Robert Allen. "Texas is well-recognized around the world as an ideal place for business and a leader in economic development. This role allows me the opportunity to accelerate future business investment and job creation in my home state, in addition to the opportunity to lead an organization that I helped to plan, develop and organize for the Office of Governor Abbott."
Allen, who will begin work with the Texas Economic Development Corporation on Monday, April 3, 2017, follows Tracye McDaniel, who announced her departure from the organization earlier this month, with plans to launch a specialized consulting firm.
About Texas Economic Development Corporation and TexasOne
Texas Economic Development Corporation is an independently funded and operated 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, whose mission is dedicated to economic development, business recruitment and job creation in the State of Texas. TexasOne is a public-private partnership of the Texas Economic Development Corporation, which coordinates efforts with the Office of the Governor to market Texas globally as a premier business destination. For more information about Texas Economic Development Corporation and TexasOne, visit