Our “Boots on the Ground” viewpoint is the voice of our experts, who have broken down the market data and compared it to what they are seeing for themselves. This is their take on what the numbers actually mean for the Austin office market.
As the late, great Jim Morrison once sang, “the future’s uncertain and the end is always near”. As we look over the horizon to the end of 2020, surrounded with unprecedented uncertainty on both a macro and micro level, Jim’s enigmatic lyric rings more prophetic than ever. The future remains most definitely uncertain, but only time will tell how near we are to the end of this recession. With the pandemic continuing to march on, and a national election just around the corner, it seems as if we are all looking forward with one eye open to see how this uncertainty continues to play out economically for the Austin market.
Looking at the numbers, the Austin market is... Click here to read the full report